My NEW AC:DM's coupon code has been redeemed
(too old to reply)
2004-01-19 00:12:14 UTC
Okay, hear me out before you write me off as a scammer or cheapass who
can't be bothered to go buy the game.

I've been through hell and back to try and get a copy of this game, and
when I finally do find a copy in a store (completely sealed), I enter
the subscription access number and it tells me it's already been

I've emailed a couple of places on Zone. One replied telling me it's
basically my retailer's fault, and that I should go get it exchanged.
Apparently they didn't listen when I said I bought the last copy at the
store (I wanted two, in fact -- one for my boyfriend). Basically they
thought I was a scammer.

The other replied wanting to know the credit card number/name etc of my
account, along with my coupon code. Problem is, I can't even get to the
part to enter my billing details, unless I can start a subscription..
Which I can't, because it says my coupon code has already been redeemed!

I've replied to both but I'm wondering if there is anything else I can
do to get help on this?

- Somnistra
Rexx Magnus
2004-01-19 09:22:10 UTC
Post by Somnistra
I've replied to both but I'm wondering if there is anything else I can
do to get help on this?
Not really, they're right - you need to take it back to the retailer,
otherwise I think the only way that the people at the zone will believe you
is to see copies of the receipts etc.

To email me, visit the site.
John J. Case
2004-01-19 23:08:54 UTC
Post by Somnistra
Okay, hear me out before you write me off as a scammer or cheapass who
can't be bothered to go buy the game.
Nah. Most of us are aware that the game isn't on the shelves til
Turbine, who just aquired the rights, get the mechanics together to
get more boxes on the shelves.
Post by Somnistra
I've emailed a couple of places on Zone. One replied telling me it's
basically my retailer's fault, and that I should go get it exchanged.
Which is what you should do in the perfect world. They sold you a
used game as new. The problem is there aren't many unused games left
in the known world.
Post by Somnistra
The other replied wanting to know the credit card number/name etc of my
account, along with my coupon code. Problem is, I can't even get to the
part to enter my billing details, unless I can start a subscription..
Which I can't, because it says my coupon code has already been redeemed!
That is the form letter to reclaim an old account if you forgot the
needed information. Since you aren't the original owner you can't
give them the correct account name or CC number.

The only thing you can do is return it to the retailer for a refund or

